luni, 21 decembrie 2015

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

Special greetings at this time of the year when we share feelings of love and kindness with our beloved ones. We wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays - may it be the start of a New Year that will bring all those things that you cherish and hold close to your heart!

From the "Home Alone" Educational Project Team

miercuri, 16 decembrie 2015

About the project


The Romanian socio-economic instability and the period of transition have determined a lot of Romanian parents to find work abroad in order to provide for their families. Of course, the money they earn is very important both for the family and for the Romanian econony, but this migration has its downsides, too. This has led to broken homes and consequently children’s abandonment to grandparents or other relatives, having serious psychological problems for them in the long run.

The phenomenon of the “orphan” children who still have their parents is probably one of the most unexpected ones that the Romanian family experiences. Unfortunately, our society is not prepared enough to counterattack the negative effects because, up to the present moment, there is no formal system of emotional support for these children who are a lot more prone to psychiatric disorders and social risks compared to the others.

The present project meets the problems of the students whose parents work abroad. The phenomenon of the “home alone children” escalates, becoming not only an accidental life event, but more of a psycho traumatizing one in the life of both the child and his family, whose effects will be visible during the years to come.

The general objective/aim: to develop an attitude of solidarity and social responsibility of the persons and groups that interact with the children whose parents work abroad, by cultivating some psycho-social, affective and behavioural competences with a view to diminishing the psycho-social and affective impact which the parents’ departure abroad has upon their children, as well as the development of some solid community action practices well adapted to this type of problem.

Project  specific objectives
  • Identifying the children whose parents are abroad and who can hardly make ends meet;
  • Developing skills for managing life issues;
  • Counseling the students whose parents are abroad;
  • Forming a young group of people with initiative and developing some volunteering activities in the community;
  • Stimulating communication by means of common recreational activities;
  • Strengthening communication and socializing activities with other volunteers as well as with persons who are in dire straits;
  • Organizing, at the school level, of some cultural-educational activities which are supposed to maintain the team spirit;
  • Achieving a campaign with a view to informing and promoting the project   in the community.
Target group: The “Grigore Moisil” National students whose parents are abroad or who are alone for other causes.

The landscaping of the school

Title of the activity: The landscaping of the school courtyard
Date/ development period: november 2015
Place development: ”Grigore Moisil” National College, Onesti, Romania
Number of participants (students, teachers, parents, representatives of the local community, etc.) 40 students, 4 teachers
People responsible: coordinator of the relationship with parents as well as coordinator of socializing activities
A short description of the activity:
  • debates and questioning students regarding the upcoming activities, as well as the degree of involvement of each participant
  •  planting ornamental trees and shrubs
  •  maintenance of the trees planted (irrigation, digging at the roots, toilet strains)
  • making the school courtyard eco- friendly (litter collection)

AUTUMN EXHIBITION – development of models, collages and drawings  made of natural materials: berries, pumpkins, leaves, twigs ( in collaboration with the organizers of the Halloween show)

sâmbătă, 7 noiembrie 2015

Amenajarea peisagistică a incintei şcolii

Titlul activităţii: Amenajarea peisagistică a incintei şcolii
Data/perioada de desfăşurare:  noiembrie 2015
 Locul desfăşurării: Colegiul Naţional „Grigore Moisil” din Onești
Numărul de participanţi (elevi, cadre didactice, părinţi, reprezentanţi ai comunităţii etc.): 40 de elevi , 4 profesori
Responsabili: coordonator în relaţia cu părinţii si coordonator activităţi de socializare
Descrierea activitatii pe scurt:
  • dezbateri şi chestionarea elevilor privind activităţile viitoare şi gradul de implicare al fiecărui participant
  •  plantare arbori şi arbuşti ornamentali
  •  întreţinerea  arborilor plantaţi (irigat, săpat la rădăcină, toaletat tulpini)
  • ecologizarea incintei liceului (strângerea gunoaielor)

EXPOZITIE DE TOAMNA - realizarea de machete, colaje desene din materiale naturale: bobite, dovlecei, frunze, rămurele (colaborarea cu organizatorii spectacolului de Halloween)

marți, 20 octombrie 2015

Început de poveste…/ Beginning of the story….

Început de poveste…

Intr-o zi minunatǎ de toamnǎ, la începutul lunii octombrie 2015, am plecat în excursie… Aşa a început povestea noastrǎ…

Beginning of the story….

On a lovely autumn day, at the beginning of October 2015, we went on a trip….That was how our story began….