joi, 3 martie 2016

Healthy food

Catering is the area in which there are the most serious errors. Modern man feeds an unhealthy way , eats too much and badly. That means a person in two suffer from excess of weight (over more than 10% of  the normal weight ).

Healthy eating and sport are the key to a successful healthy living . They will create a state of well being, energy, reducing the risk of diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, osteoporosis, cholesterol and certain cancers.

A healthy diet means eating different foods belonging to basic food groups : protein such as MEAT, EGGS and VEGETABLES; Dairy products: MILK and CHEESE ; Grains such as BREAD and PASTA ; Fats and sweets, but also FRUIT and VEGETABLE.

miercuri, 2 martie 2016

Siguranța pe Internet
Titlul activităţii: SIGURANȚA PE INTERNET
Data/perioada de desfăşurare:  12 FEBRUARIE 2016
 Locul desfăşurării: Colegiul Naţional „Grigore Moisil” din Onești
Numărul de participanţi (elevi, cadre didactice, părinţi, reprezentanţi ai comunităţii etc.): 28 de elevi , 1 profesor
Responsabili: prof. Ianoș Carmen
Descrierea activitatii pe scurt:
  • vizionarea unor filmulețe educative;
  • dezbatere pe tema siguranței pe Internet;
  •  securizarea conturilor personale;
  • activitate practică: rezolvarea unor rebusuri cu tema Siguranța pe Internet