In the
framework of the sport activity, it has been a real competition of volleyball,
this being a sport with tradition in our high school. Happily, in addition to
the children who often come in activities related to the sport, this time many
uninitiated in the fine arts of volleyball came. As a tradition, the professors
of sport, Chelaru Ana-Maria and Stanciu Maria, have played with us, giving us
the opportunity to show them what we are able of. The most difficult part was
when it finished, none of us felt no fatigue. It has thus been concluded with
the promise that the activity will be repeated the next year so it ended giving
a chance to revenge of the team that has lost.
In cadrul activitatii sportive s-a
realizat o adevarata competitie de volei, acesta fiind un sport cu traditie in
liceul nostru. Imbucurator, pe langa copiii care vin mereu la activitatile
legate de sport, de data asta au venit destul de multi neinitiati in artele
voleiului. Tot ca o traditie, doamnele profesoare de sport, Chelaru Ana-Maria
si Stanciu Maria, au jucat alaturi de noi, dandu-ne ocazia sa le aratam de ce
suntem capabili. Cea mai grea parte a fost cea in care s-a terminat, niciunul
din noi nu simtea oboseala, astfel s-a incheiat cu promisiunea ca sa va face si
la anul dand o sansa la revansa echipei care a pierdut.
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