joi, 30 iunie 2016

Shooting, the same way as any other arts, has the power to freeze a moment and to transform it in eternity. It is therefore important for every person to know the elements that are the basis of the completion of the photos. Living in the era of technology and interacting constantly with the networks of socializing, students visualize and post daily a large number of images. The Competition of photography during the summer proposes, in this direction, broadening the students horizons in respect of the subject matter of the cameras, the way in which he is photographed and, as importantly, the manner in which is edited a certain picture. The benefits are found in the acquisition or improvement of the capacities of students to take a picture, given the theme with which they are challenge. At the same time, this activity is just another noncomformist way for enjoying your free time on holiday, as well as an opportunity for the pupils to change their audience that will view their creations.

This contest has a considerable potential, given the fact that the passage of time and proposing new themes can only be to develop the skills of the participants who aspires to win. It is a constructive competition intriguing by the orientation of the camera lens to landscapes, objects, emotions may until then undiscovered, forgotten or neglected. At the same time as the one of the organisers of the event, what is among the students experienced in this field, Stefan Capmare: " The activities of this kind, in which we can involved on a voluntary basis, active, consolidate, especially our personalities as students. We are driven patience, power of adaptation and the ability to work in a team. I think this type of experiments must be repeated at least frequently, for the good of the pupil and in the end of the whole school.". However, this contest shows the benefits of the most diverse, for both we, the organizers and to the participants. The art of photography is a vast field and the interaction of any type with this can only be beneficial. It is important to know a bit of both! Now it is time to learn together about photography!

Fotografierea, la fel ca celelalte arte, are puterea de a ingheta un moment si a-l transforma in eternitate. De aceea, este important ca fiecare persoana sa cunoasca macar elementele ce stau la baza realizarii unei poze. Traind in era tehnologiei si interactionand intr-un mod alertant de constant cu retelele de socializare, elevii vizualizeaza si posteaza zilnic un numar ridicat de imagini. Concursul de fotografie organizat pe timpul verii isi propune, in aceasta directie, largirea orizonturilor elevilor in ceea ce priveste obiectul fotografiat, modul in care este fotografiat si, la fel de important, modul in care este editata o anumita poza. Beneficiile se regasesc in capatarea sau imbunatatirea capacitatilor elevilor de a realiza o fotografie, data fiind tema cu care sunt provocati. Totodata, aceasta activitate reprezinta un mijloc nonconformist de petrecere a timpului liber in vacanta, precum si o ocazie ca elevii sa isi schimbe publicul ce le vizualizeaza creatiile. Acest concurs prezinta un potential considerabil, dat fiind faptul ca trecerea timpului si propunerea unor noi teme nu vor face decat sa dezvolte abilitatile participantilor care aspira la castig. Este o competitie constructiva care intriga prin orientarea obiectivului camerei spre peisaje, obiecte, emotii poate pana atunci nedescoperite, uitate sau neglijate.
Totodata, asa cum spune unul dintre organizatori, ce se numara printre elevii experimentati in acest domeniu, Stefan Capmare: " Activitatile de acest fel, in care ne putem implica voluntar, activ, consolideaza, mai ales, personalitatile noastre ca elev. Ne sunt antrenate rabdarea, puterea de adaptare si abilitatea de a lucra in echipa. Cred ca acest tip de experiente trebuie repetat cel putin frecvent, spre binele elevului si, pana la urma, al intregii scoli."
Sintetizand, acest concurs prezinta beneficii dintre cele mai diverse, atat pentru noi, organizatorii, cat si pentru participanti. Arta fotografiei este un domeniu vast, iar interactiunea de orice tip cu aceasta nu poate fi decat benefica. Este important sa cunoastem cate putin din fiecare! Acum e timpul sa invatam impreuna despre fotografie!

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